Work Accounting

Code Climate

Ruby program for tracking working hours or other tasks and storing the on your device. The stored data shall be queried for different options such as monthly, weekly working hours or self defined time intervals. A terminal menu guides trough the different options.

Current version: v0.3.1.

Development steps

  • Reading and storing tasks and persons in a file (done with v0.1.0)
  • Terminal menu to read/write data and some queries for the data (mostly done with v0.2.0)
  • Formatted terminal output for the queries (basic with v0.2.0, but will be extended)
  • Formatted pdf output using latex, formatted csv output (basic csv output with v0.2.1)
  • Reading, storing and querying tasks and persons in a database
    • Storage in sqlite3 database as main feature of v0.3.0
  • Deleting existing persons and tasks and freeing their blocked ids
  • Extension of query capabilities

Usage & Help

The menus explain themselves. The basic script calls are:

``` access to main menu: ruby

WorkAccounting help: -h, –help show help text -v, –version prints the current version of the project ```


Documentation is written in yard and can be created by running the shell-script Yard needs to be installed on the system in order to do that. The documentation can also be found online here.

Used version

Written with Ruby >= 2.2.2


  • Linux: running on ArchLinux with Ruby >= 2.2.2
  • Windows: not tested
  • MAC: not tested


  • Ruby with a version > 2.2
  • csv (all)
  • sqlite3 (when using sqlite3 as database backend)
  • yard (optional for documentation)



created by: Benjamin Held, 2015